Friday, October 9, 2009

Oh No Mommy(:

OK more of an embarrassment to myself but way too funny not to add to the BLOG since I add so many other things. While having our Friday family movie night, the twins ventured upstairs so I went after them. Well Seth and Emma followed behind me. Well I needed to get something out of my room which turned into 4 of our 5 kids in there too getting into whatever they magically can in the few minutes we were in there, longer cause I then couldn't get them out(: hehehe...OK so here it is...I keep the laundry baskets of clean clothes in our room when I don't get them all put away right away( for the twins are great at dumping them over and over again onto the floor) as I never seem to have enough time to wash fold and put away in the same day...OK besides the point but to explain why there was a basket of clothes in my room. OK so Michael throws something across the room as I hear Seth yell, " oh no mommy one of your boobie thingies" Oh my goodness I couldn't stop laughing, and then laughed even harder as I look up at 4 little faces looking back at me not understanding just how funny that was. I can still see it all happening in my mind in slow motion. Well I hope it put a smile on your face as it did mine(:


Mama Smith said...

Out of the mouth of Babes....(smile)

Serene is my name, not my life! said...


Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Just as a warning, I gave you a blog award on my blog. So people might be stopping by to see what's going on over here. =) Keep the stories coming!
Hang in there girl!

Angel Day said...

Haha I couldn't stop laughing. I can so see them saying it too! Love you Holly.

Garvin Smith said...

How come the only ones to respond to this post are the female members of your family?

hjsmith said...

I guess dad you are the only brave enough male to respond. Thank you. I know it has been a while since I have added to the blog...I hope to soon when I can breath for a moment(: Love you all and thank you for your comments, I look forward to reading what you have to say(: