Tuesday, November 18, 2008

thoughts to ponder

I sit here alone in the quiet of the night, the house is quiet and still as I get a couple of things done (not as much as needs to but something) and find myself at a peacefull place. It is interesting as I usually feel pretty crazy with all that goes on in my "normal" day to day things with the kids, family and friends and really whatever comes my way. But even in those crazy, busy moments there is peace aswell. I dont know if I am expressing myself as I mean to but that is what I felt to share. more for myself then anyone else but I am feeling that very deep within myself. We can find and feel peace around and within us no matter what is going on around us or even in our own experiences. Heaven Father loves each one of us and yes that includes the "crazies" (: He did create all of us(: I am so grateful for the many blessings in my life, my family, my wonderful husband who loves me and our wonderful children, and of course the gospel of Jesus Christ. I would be nothing without it in my life and the paths and direction the Lord has for me and our family. I am at peace to know He knows it all and I dont need to..not all ot once, but to have faith that everything is in HIS mighty hands..."no matter what..."
Thank you for your love and support. there are other things I could share at this time.. I am sure funnier but that will have to wait for another time. That is the end for now of my pontification(:


Garvin Smith said...

Holly, your feelings summed up one of the main messages of this last General Conference: peace in troubled times. Paulcalled this "the peace which passeth all understanding" (Philipians 4:1-8).

Mama Smith said...

I think women in seek "santuaries" for their "peace"...We each find it in our own way...Even Christ..went off away from the "crowd"... "loved ones" to commune with God...Garvin use to find it in the fields at night under the stars when he farmed in Washington...I had my "Garden of Eden" private "sanctuary"...Right now, for is in the "quiet" of the night...when everyone is tucked away in bed...You were able to put in perspective...your life...and see for what it really is...I enjoyed your thoughts, Holly..